The Oshkosh Cycling Club and University of Wisconsin Oshkosh have taken a big step in raising awareness for bicyclists and bicycle advocacy. On October 17, 2009 they will hold the first annual Tour de Titan.

This bike ride is intended to raise awareness for bicycle and pedestrian safety and bring the community together. It's only 6 miles and the route travels around UW Oshkosh campus.

One very neat idea is that the ride begins with breakfast and a viewing of bicycle plans/ routes /paths for the city.

The ride is also part of UW Oshkosh's homecoming and was organized by the Oshkosh Cycling Club.

I think this ride will be a good addition to the homecoming festivities and I hope that it brings out a lot of bicyclists. It's always good to involve the community in these events and get families out along with all of the different types of bikers. Hopefully the Tour de Titan has a large showing and catches on at other campuses around the state. It's nice to see local byclists working to help improve the community for all people. Thank you to the Oshkosh Cycling Club.

For more on this club, check out: http://www.oshkoshcyclingclub.com/

Posted by Attorney Clayton Griessmeyer-Wisconsin Bicycle Accident Lawyer

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