According to a recent USA today article, a recent Colorado law not only creates a 3 foot space requirement between bikers and cars, but it also bans throwing things at bikers. According to Bicycle Colorado director Dan Grunig, before the law, police could only cite drivers if they hit a biker. (What about littering?).
It's unforntunate that the conflict between bikers and drivers has gotten to this point. The same article also comments on Wisconsin's recent dooring law which prohibits motorists from opening car doors without checking for cyclists.
More good news from the article is the increase in bike commuting. From 2003 to 2007, commuting went up 37.6%. If that keeps up, we won't have to worry about drivers throwing things at us because everyone will be on a bike.
Posted by Attorney Clayton Griessmeyer-Wisconsin Bicycle Accident Lawyer
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